Thursday 10 December 2009

Synoptic treatment for film - The Guitarist’s Way

This is a story about one man’s dream of achieving his maximum potential in a world that offers no opportunities. Set in the grimy streets of downtown New York one man will do everything that he can to achieve his dream, to make the impossible possible to become the best guitarist that ever lived.
Our hero begins his career playing in sleazy bars and clubs that no one has heard of. It seems to be a mediocre lifestyle until a tragic accident where the owner of the main bar that he plays at gets shot when his house is broken into.
With no real venues that he can play at and the people that he knows turning on him by the second he can’t pay his bills and he has no where to turn to.
This was the case for many weeks until one day whilst sitting in an internet cafe he discovered youtube a popular website that hosts videos of anything that their users upload to it.
Our hero created a profile and quickly went home, that night he recorded seven videos using his mobile phone. Happy with the recordings he went straight to the cafe the next day and began uploading his videos.

Two weeks later he discovered that he had many views and comments from other youtube users, and to his surprise they were all positive. He looked up towards his inbox and he had several messages from one user who claimed to own a recording studio and a record label, saying the offer was there if he wanted it.

Our hero quickly took the deal, he became successful selling hundreds of thousands of copies of his albums, and he owed it all to one website.
Compare this film to the likes of the 2003 hit school of rock directed by Richard Linklater. Both films tell the story of a man who makes something out of playing his guitar. Whether there is a band or not that core ideal is there in both films. School of rock did well in the box office It grossed $131,282,949 internationally. The budget of the film was $35 million.

Other similar films include Wayne’s world a film about two guys who have a local TV program that become famous through the media. This links to our film because they both involve people seeking fame through the media, although our film centers around the more modern medium of youtube, Wayne's world focus on the television. This shows an evolution of media throughout time. Wayne’s world had a budget of $20,000,000, and it made $183,097,323 gross venue it also spawned a sequel and gathered a cult following.

This film would attract both the young and old; young people would like the inclusion of youtube and of the internet emphasizing the importance of the evolution of technology in recent years, that the internet isn’t just something for use of social networking sites, that you can make something out of it.
It will also appeal to the teenage market because this man has ambitions that he will stick to no matter what; this would inspire others to have ambitions and goals in their life.
The older people in the audience would enjoy the display of emotion in this film, because emotion is a very important aspect of this film, our main character goes through several stages including depression and eventually happiness at the realization of his goal.
To display these emotions extreme close ups will be a major shot used in the development if this film, this will allow the audience to connect with the character in the moments that he is most vulnerable.